Bernd Göbel is one of Germany’s foremost medallists. He was born in 1942 in Freiberg, a city that was in the Middle Ages a centre of Saxon silver mining, and that has a cathedral with what Göbel calls ‘the most remarkable Romanesque portal I know’ He studied sculpture in Halle, at the Burg Giebichenstein High School of Art and Design, and since 1984 has taught sculpture at the same institution. He has made important contributions to FIDEM exhibitions and to the various medal exhibitions organised in Germany since reunification. The artist writes: ‘As well as sculpture for public places, fountains, and so on, I find increasing pleasure in small forms and so also in medals. People interest me very much, which is why so many of my medals deal with them, and particularly with their weakness, which often have serious consequences.’ The BAMS medal’s German title, Die Gedanken der Menschen sind schwer zu erraten, is translated as A human mind is unfathomable.

A Human Mind is Unfathomable
A Human Mind is Unfathomable
By: Bernd Göbel, 1997
Medium: cast bronze
Size: 78mm
Cast by: Lunts Casting
Edition: 17