Here are the web addresses of several organisations which we think may be of interest. Web addresses of individual artists (where available) are listed on their medal pages. Please note that BAMS is not responsible for the content of third-party websites.
- American Medallic Sculpture Association
- Art Medals
- Belgian Art Medals
- Bigbury Mint
- British Museum
- Christopher Eimer – fine medals and medallic art
- Daniel Fearon – coins, medals, medallions
- Dutch Medal Art and Medallists
- Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art
- Guild of Medal Art in Finland
- International Numismatic Commission
- Karl Goetz
- The Marsh Charitable Trust
- Money & Medals Network
- Medal Collectors of America
- National Maritime Museum
- Norwich Coin and Medal Society
- Royal Numismatic Society
- Simmons Gallery
- Thomas Fattorini Ltd.
- Victoria and Albert Museum
- Who’s Who in Gold and Silver