The New Medallist Scheme


The New Medallist Scheme

PDF version of this page available by clicking here BAMS STudent Medallist Scheme

Please read through the whole document carefully to help with your application

Applications are invited for the British Art Medal Society ‘New Medallist’ scheme, an initiative about
to enter its eighteenth year (the scheme was paused in 2021 due to the pandemic). This scheme is
intended to provide a framework by which artists based in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and
who are relatively new to medal-making, can develop their interest in the medal as a vehicle of artistic
expression. Its aim is to deepen and broaden the selected artist’s knowledge of the medal and to
expand their awareness of the medium’s possibilities.
The scheme is administered by the British Art Medal Society (BAMS). It is funded by the Belvedere
Trust and supported by the British Museum, the V&A and the Royal Mint. For more about BAMS,
Previous ‘New Medallists’ have gone on to receive medal commissions, win awards for their medals,
and participate in art medal events in the UK and abroad. Their medals have been acquired by public
collections and private collectors.
Each year one artist is selected for the scheme. Artists eligible for the scheme:
 will have left art college (at whatever level, i.e. BA, MA, PhD or equivalents) within 3½
years of the commencement of their participation in the scheme (that is, since February 2021)
or be about to leave college before September 2024.
 will generally have shown an interest in medal-making and had some experience of it while at
college. (This may have been through the BAMS Student Medal Project or in some other
The selected artist will receive:
 a grant of £3,500 (see below for conditions).
 a place in a medal-making course at a college abroad or an international medal workshop (to
be selected by BAMS), allowing the artist to participate for two to three weeks in a
contemporary medal-making environment and thereby gain a greater understanding of
contemporary thinking on medals.
 mentoring sessions with an experienced UK-based medal-maker appointed by BAMS (a
minimum of three sessions and, if more are needed, the number to be agreed between the
mentor and the artist).
 approximately one week’s work experience with a working mint (this may be with the Royal
Mint or with a private mint), where the artist will work (either in person or remotely at the
mint’s discretion) experienced medal-makers and be encouraged to experiment with various
techniques and receive feedback on any design projects which may be set.
 access to a foundry for a teaching session to learn about casting and patination.
 access for one week to the medal collections of the British Museum and/or Victoria and
Albert Museum under the supervision of a curator, enabling the artist to gain a greater
understanding of the medallic tradition by studying historical medals from the Italian
Renaissance to the twenty-first century.
 free membership of BAMS for one year.
 free attendance at a BAMS weekend conference.
Within twelve months (starting 1 September 2024) the artist will be expected to devote not less than
nine weeks to medal-related activities. (These nine weeks are not necessarily to be taken in one block
but may be split over the twelve-month period, as agreed between the artist and BAMS.) Within these
nine weeks the artist is expected:
 to attend a medal-making course at a college abroad or an international medal workshop (for
two to three weeks), to gain work experience with a mint (approximately one week), and to

study the British Museum and/or Victoria and Albert Museum medal collections (one week),
all as mentioned above.
 to devote a further four weeks to building up a portfolio of medallic ideas.
 to attend mentoring sessions (for which the artist will be expected to prepare effectively).
 to attend a BAMS conference.
 to attend BAMS lectures whenever possible.
 to produce a visual record of research and finished work resulting from participation in the
 to produce at least one medal, for which all costs will be met by the artist. (One of these
works may go on to become a medal issued by BAMS and at least one will be featured in The
Medal, the society’s journal.)
 to produce a report of about 500 words on the artist’s experience of the scheme, for retention
by BAMS.
The principal expenses of the artist, which are to be met from the £3,500 grant, are:
 travel to and accommodation in another country for two to three weeks while attending a
course or workshop. (The course is arranged and paid for by the scheme, but the
responsibility for making the practical arrangements regarding travel and accommodation
rests with the artist.)
 expenses in London for one week while visiting the British Museum and/or Victoria and
Albert Museum.
 living expenses for a further four weeks, including travel to a BAMS conference.
 travel to mentoring sessions with a UK-based medal-maker.
 travel to a session at a foundry for casting and patination experience; this will be combined
with other visits where possible.
 production of at least one medal.
Moreover, the artist will be expected to retain membership of BAMS (currently £40 per annum) for a
further three years after the conclusion of the twelve-month period, thereby maintaining close
involvement with the medal world.
The artist must have British nationality or a valid UK visa for the year covered by the scheme.
Applications from artists wishing to be considered for the scheme should include:
 a letter explaining the artist’s interest in the scheme and expectations around it.
 an idea for a medal that the artist would like to make. (This should indicate an ability to think
in terms of medallic art and may include sketches and text concerning the ideas behind the
 curriculum vitae which should include the applicant’s full postal address.
 the name, position and contact details of a referee who may be contacted by BAMS.
 small images of a maximum of six works by the artist (see below for maximum email size).
 a completed consent form allowing BAMS to be in touch with the applicant and to retain the
applicant’s details in accordance with data protection legislation (see form below)
 the name of the applicant should appear on each page of the application.
Applications must be sent via email and must be received by 3 rd June 2024.


Please note that
emails must be less than 2MB in total size, as larger messages may be blocked.
Applications and consent forms should be emailed to Janet Larkin:
[email protected]
A decision will be made before the end of June. All applicants will be informed of the outcome.

New Medallist Scheme privacy policy and consent form

The Scheme is administered by the British Art Medal Society.
The successful applicant can expect BAMS to hold the following personal data for the purpose of
facilitating their participation in the scheme, arranging placements, and arranging payments.

  • Full name, address, telephone number and email.
  • Information to enable bursary payments to be made. (We can do this by cheque or by bank
    transfer depending on your preference.)
    All data shared with us will be treated in strict confidence.
    We will not share your information with any third parties. Your final report on your participation in
    the scheme will be retained in perpetuity for the BAMS archive.
    We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information
    we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by
    contacting us. If you find any inaccuracies, we will delete or correct it promptly. The personal
    information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security procedure
    and the law.

To be completed and signed by the applicant and returned to BAMS with their application.
Please tick

I consent to BAMS use of my personal data for the above purposes

Please contact me by the methods I have ticked:
By post
By email
By telephone

Print name