Student Medal Project Symposium
27th April 2018 at UCA Rochester – Lecture Theatre 1
There is no attendance fee for this symposium.
10.30 – Coffee & Registration – Foyer area
11.00 – Welcome – Debra Allman – Course Leader for BA(Hons) Contemporary Jewellery, BA(Hons) Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery and MA Contemporary Jewellery, UCA Rochester.
11.15 – Marcy Leavitt Bourne – Council of the British Art Medal Society and Director of the Student Medal Project, writer and art historian.
11.50 – Abigail Burt – BAMS New Medalist and winner of Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship. Sits on the Council of the British Art Medal Society.
12.25 – Joe Cribb – Former Keeper of Coins and Medals at the British Museum
13.00 – Break for lunch
14.00 – 14.30 – Handling Session (Project space) with:
Janet Larkin – Secretary of the British Art Medal Society, the UK Vice Delegate to the International Medal Federation (FIDEM) and a Curator in the Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum.
Henry Flynn – Assistant Collections Manager in the Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum. Project Curator of the Money and Medals Network.
14.40 – 15.20: Casting a token demonstration in the workshop: UCA Staff and Students
Opportunity to see work of the Artists in Residence in the showcases of the lower 4th floor.
15.30: Vidir Thrastarson – MA Contemporary Jewellery, UCA Rochester
Fred Wyver – Jewellery Technical Tutor, UCA Rochester
15.00 – Kate Harrison and her work and in discussion about commissions and definitions with Marcy Leavitt Bourne
16.20 – 17.00 Group discussion/Q&A:
Kate Harrison, Kyosun Jung, Janet Larkin, Marcy Leavitt Bourne
Followed by: Prize-giving and Reception in the Zandra Rhodes Gallery