Sean Yeo Chian San is from Singapore and is studying jewellery design at Central St Martins College of Art and Design. His medal, This ain’t a Bleeding Catwalk!, won a prize in the 2006 BAMS Student Medal Project. The medal is now issued by BAMS. The artist writes: ‘The title, a statement made to me by a friend at army camp, encapsulates succinctly the extent to which male vanity has pervaded much of modern culture. Many men today, perhaps myself included, believe their lives are a perpetual fashion show, not looking beyond the physical and the superficial, while putting their inflated egos upon pedestals, desirous of worship. The feather on the reverse is an icon of narcissism. My medal is thus a token to male vanity, made to be looked at, fondled lovingly, talked about, but otherwise devoid of purpose.’

This ain’t a Bleeding Catwalk!
This ain’t a Bleeding Catwalk!
By: Sean Yeo Chian San, 2006
Medium: cast bronze
Size: 80
Cast by: Aron McCartney
Issue: The Medal, no. 50 (Spring 2007)
Edition: 13