The Medal (issue 51, Autumn 2007)

The Medal (issue 51, Autumn 2007)

The Medal (issue 51, Autumn 2007)


Front and back cover

Category: Tag:


Making connections

Pieces of silver: the medals of Freemasons’ Hall
Alison Royle

The medals of Sophia Rosamond Praeger
Joseph McBrinn

Marijan Matijević: A Centenary Tribute
Ivan Mirnik

Mashiko: The medallist as sculptor, teacher and marketer
Alan M. Stahl

Geer Steyn and his ‘Over The Edge’ masterclass
Arnold Nieuwendam

The fourth category: revisiting the dream of a masterclass
Lucy Nyland

Canterbury tales: the BAMS 2007 weekend conference
Janet Larkin

The President’s medal: marking 25 years of BAMS

Book Reviews
John W. Adams and Anne E. Bentley’s Comitia Americana and related medals, by Joel J. Orosz

Adele Schaverien’s Horn: its history and its uses, by Christopher Eimer

Publications noted


Medals from BAMS
New medals
Medals still available

Notes on Contributors