Carole Dodds studied at the College of Art and Industrial Design, Newcastle, in 1963-5, after which she pursued various occupations, including being a partner in a crafts enterprise. In 1994 she began a fine art course at Falmouth College of Arts, where she gained a first class BA (Hons) in 1999. As a student at Falmouth, she entered the BAMS Student Medal Project competition in 1999, winning joint second prize for her two medals on the theme of Ephesians, ch. 6, v. 14. In the following year\’s competition she was awarded the Spink & Son first prize for a work from a sculpture department for her medal, The pattern of identity. She has contributed to many group exhibitions; her solo exhibition, Revealing and concealing, was at Foxton\’s, Berwick upon Tweed, in July 1995. About her BAMS medal, Sleeping Tablet, the artist writes: \”The pillow image has been present in many forms through my work. During a visit to the British Museum the Babylonian tablets touched a nerve and immediately became part of the \’pillow family\’. The notion of a message imparted, a thought, a dream, developed into the Sleeping Tablet. \”The ticking pillow at the start of this journey belonged to my grandmother. The drawing on the tablet is my granddaughter\’s. Holding and treasuring the past and the future are powerful reminders of our responsibilities. \”The text cannot be read without a mirror, so that for a while, as with the cuneiform script, the pattern is all. Is it a code, a rhythm, a whisper, or…?

Sleeping Tablet
Sleeping Tablet
By: Carole Dodds, 2000
Medium: cast bronze
Size: 75 x 55mm
Cast by: Falmouth College of Art
Edition: 38