Pablo de Laborde-Lascaris (b. 1985) and John-Paul Somerville (b. 1989) are studying art at University College Falmouth. Pablo is a sculptor who has lived and worked in Mexico, America and France, and plans to continue his practice in Europe. John-Paul is from Plymouth, and his chosen discipline is printmaking, particularly silkscreen printing. Their two-part medal Helios and Selene, winner of the Thomas Fattorini Ltd prize in the 2009 BAMS Student Medal Project, is now being issued by the society. The artists write: ‘This medal, cast in two sections, is profoundly influenced by the collaboration within which it was conceived, developed and executed, a working process not always harmonious, but always interesting. The William Blake quotation – ‘If the sun or the moon should ever doubt, they would immediately go out’ – is divided evenly across both halves of the medal. When united, the poetic wisdom of the prophet echoes from the bronze. The metaphor of the sun and the moon represents to us (as to man since time immemorial) our differences and our similarities, a balance of power. Creating the medal was an exercise in play and intuition, in which we learned new creative methods from each other as well as explored our ideas.’

Helios and Selene
Helios and Selene
By: Pablo de Laborde-Lascaris and John-Paul Somerville, 2009
Medium: cast bronze
Size: 60 x 57mm
Cast by: William Schoeman
Issue: The Medal, no 57 (Autumn 2010)
Edition: 24