BAMS Student Medal Project XXIX – 2022

BAMS Student Medal Project XXIX – 2022

Student Medal Project 2022

BAMS Student Medal Project XXIX – 2022


The beautiful new online catalogue of the Student Medal Project 2022is now available.  This was the 29th year of the Project, and it encompassed 20 UK colleges, who altogether created 148 art medals, a record year.  This is the second year online, which reaches further. There was a splendid exhibition at the New Ashgate Gallery in April, from which a number of medals were sold.  While the catalogue only shows photos of the winning medals, every student who participated has a written entry in the catalogue, and these make very interesting reading, covering a wide range of topics and giving a very in-depth view of how this generation views the world.  The catalogue is a fascinating, beautifully designed document in itself.    Click on the link below , and then on the full-screen icon.

Marcy Leavitt Bourne